How Digital Products Rank Higher In Google Search

Discover practical strategies to boost your digital products' visibility in Google search results. Improve their ranking and reach your target audience with proven SEO practices. Let's explore effective ways to enhance your products' performance in Google search!

SEO is a free way to drive organic traffic to your pages. This could be your listings, or it could be your shop.

This, of course, applies to any kind of webpage, which includes blogs, portfolios, and more, but this post is specifically about selling products.

Why is SEO important?

If you’re selling products on Etsy, Gumroad, Lemon Squeezy, or some other platform, then you depend on the traffic they bring to the platform or traffic you direct to your products.

With good SEO, you can rank high in Google search, which will bring in traffic from shoppers who weren’t on those same platforms.

For example, if you add a listing to Etsy, and your SEO is on point, then you can rank high on Google search.

There are some caveats here, which I’ll explain later.

Etsy has an option for sellers to pay for ads, and this is how it can show up outside of Etsy on Google search

  • One red arrow points to the “Sponsored” indication.

  • The second red arrow points out the Etsy listing among several Canva sponsored listings.

This is part of how your Etsy ad spend is used.

But what if you don’t spend on ads?

You can still come out in Google search as I mentioned earlier without spending any money on ads.

On this same page, I scrolled down until I ran into another seller platform that wasn’t a Canva link.

  • 4th result: Pinterest page

  • 7th result: YouTube Video

  • 9th result: Etsy Listing

These are amazing rankings for these three mentioned results.

If that was my Pinterest page, I would add a link to my template and drive more sales (this account did just that).

If that was my YouTube video, I would talk about the template and add a link in the description (this account didn’t add a link)

This Etsy listing has a great ranking in Google search with no ad spend (organic traffic)

There’s a few reasons this listing ranked so high (some of the caveats)

  • Good listing title (SEO)

  • Keywords in the description (SEO)

  • Google Indexed*

Google Index

Google indexes a product listing by automatically discovering and crawling the website where the listing is published. Factors that can help ensure indexing include website visibility, sitemap submission, internal linking, optimized meta tags, and backlinks from reputable websites.

In summary, the Etsy Seller Handbook says

Indexed pages appear in search results. Googlebot looks at content, titles, headings, descriptions, images, and videos. Building quality links helps Google find and index your product listings for better visibility.

In all, you want your product to rank high, not only within the platform you’re selling on but also in search results. As long as you focus on these three components, then you should see your quality listings rank higher in search

  1. Listing Titles

  2. Optimized descriptions

  3. Reputable backlinks

Keep in mind, I did say quality listings. If your product does not perform well, then don’t expect to be showing up early in search results

For example, if you’re selling a habit tracker with poor images and pricing, and your listing gets no traffic, CTR, or sales, then you won’t benefit from only those three components.

How can my images and pricing help my ranking?

You’ll have to stay tuned in for the next post. I’ll explain these in further detail in another post coming soon.


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