How I use Notion to build multiple online businesses

Maximizing Your Online Business Potential with Notion

There is a multitude of online businesses that can be created. So many, that it can be hard to choose where to start. Once you do, managing becomes a growing problem the larger your business grows.

You can start selling products online on dozens of websites. You can become a content creator and post media on several social media platforms, or you can become a writer and publish to many different locations across the web. How big your business gets depends on how much you want to grow.

Start small with one or two platforms, and later you choose to scale. Scaling is a great feeling. Knowing you growing your business, and your dream of replacing your income is an incredible feeling. But to grow, you need to manage a larger scale of information. This is where Notion comes in.

What is Notion?

If you're looking for a digital workspace that can help you stay organized and productive, you've probably come across Notion. But what exactly is Notion and how can it be used to build an online business?

Notion is a digital workspace that allows you to organize and manage information, tasks, and projects in one place. It's a powerful tool that can be customized to fit different needs and purposes, making it a popular choice for entrepreneurs and business owners.

Notion can be a great tool for managing different aspects of your business such as creating and managing product inventory, tracking orders and shipments, managing customer information, creating and managing marketing materials, tracking sales and revenue, and more.

One of the great things about Notion is its flexibility. You can create different templates and databases to fit your specific needs. For example, if you're a writer, you can use Notion to organize and plan your writing projects, store research, and notes, and manage submissions to publications.

If you're an e-commerce business owner, you can use Notion to create and manage product inventory, track orders, and shipments, and manage customer support inquiries.

Currently, I’m using Notion to help me manage an grow these businesses:

  1. Digital products business

  2. Content Creation

  3. E-commerce

  4. Writing

They’re all loosely connected. For one, it’s all online. Two, they all intermingle for sales and marketing. Naturally working at one of these helps me on all four.

I started selling on eBay three years ago, and now I have a solid understanding of how selling products online works. So, when I started selling digital products, all I had to learn was the new platforms to sell on, and everything else was the same. Good pictures, descriptions, and customer service.

Writing has helped me create better descriptions for my product. It’s also helped me create content on Twitter. It’s the main social media I focus on.

Content creation has pushed me to market my skills more to people that want to learn how to do the same. So, now I build in public and share what I have learned, and what I know.

Follow me here, I share lots of advice and occasionally give away useful products to help you manage your own business.

Now that you have a base understanding of how I manage multiple businesses with Notion, let me explain in a little more detail about how I do so.

How do I use Notion for Digital Products?

The digital products I sell are Notion templates and Canva templates. There are tons of other tools you can use to create and sell, but these are the two I focus on right now. Since I already have lots of experience with Notion, creating templates is not so hard anymore.

Canva on the other hand, I am still developing that skill. I use Canva Pro to create most of my images. I edit photos and apply some nice fonts to make my products more appealing. I also use it to create logos. Canva is a really great tool.

It all starts with creating things I need, and then either give them away to others who can use it, or I list them for sale.

The business aspect of this requires lots of planning, researching, and organization. This is a list of how I use Notion for managing my digital products business:

  • Creating a product roadmap and backlog

  • Tracking progress on product development

  • Storing research and notes for product development

  • Managing product iterations and updates

  • Creating and managing marketing materials

  • Planning and executing marketing campaigns

This list gets a little longer, but those are the main points. If you ever wanted to start a business in digital products, it takes a bit of work, but it is totally worth it.

My recommendation to you, is to get on Notion soon and start learning how to create your own databases to build and manage your own business.

If you want to get started right away, you can also purchase ready-to-use templates you can find on Etsy and Gumroad. If you are hesitant to spend any money, just go to Twitter, there are freebies going on all the time, you just have to be on the lookout.

How do I use Notion for Writing

Writing is my favorite one so far. I already spend tons of time researching gathering notes, and connecting information. Notion makes all this so much easier. Now I save links, images, videos and more all on one page.

This makes it tremendously easier to put together material when you’re ready to write.

I use it mostly for writing articles, blogging about business and more. Soon I’ll be releasing a newsletter I am creating inside of Notion.

Here’s a list of ways I use Notion for writing:

  • Tracking progress on writing projects

  • Writing and organizing blog posts

  • Creating a content calendar

  • Storing research and notes

  • Outlining and planning

  • Managing publications

I haven’t been writing that long. I wrote one article back in March and then I took it serious this past month. I wasn’t able to write much till I created my own dashboard no Notion to make things easier.

Now I can create content at a much quicker pace with the system I built. I can start a project on the days I go to work, and finish it up on my days off (yes I still have a day job). I work full-time and I create part-time.

If you’re interested in creating your own content, I have a free version you can download here

How do I use Notion for E-commerce?

Now this is where it all started for me. I create an e-commerce store back in 2020. It’s been nearly three years since I started and I love selling online.

I started selling locally on Offerup, but I didn’t like the customer base. Everyone wanted to buy everything for $20. I mean, why would I drop a $80 pair of shoes down to $20? It drove me crazy how many of these messages I would get.

So, I moved towards eBay and haven’t turned back since.

I do sell on many more platforms like Amazon, Poshmark, Mercari, Facebook Marketplace, Offerup (still), Stock X, and Goat. Of all of them, I do prefer eBay.

But as you can imagine, selling on so many platforms can be challenging. The biggest challenge is managing inventory. There are a few ways to combat that, but for the most part, once again I use Notion.

Here’s a list of ways I use Notion for my online store:

  • Creating and managing product inventory

  • Tracking orders and shipments

  • Tracking sales and revenue

  • Managing supplier and vendor information

  • Planning and executing marketing campaigns

  • Managing and tracking customer support inquiries

By using Notion, I can keep all of this information organized in one place and easily accessible. It helps me to streamline my e-commerce business and make it more efficient.

The best part about tracking all this information is for my own analytics. I need to know what to continue sourcing, and what to scale back on.

For example, I noticed in the beginning that I purchased about $700 worth of summer shorts during winter. They were available at every Burlington store I was going to, and they were nice shorts too. I believe the retail was $50-$80 per short. and I bought them for between $10-$20 each.

Well, I didn’t really sell much till springtime, during the schools’ spring break season. They started to fly off my shelves.

I was regretting buying so many in the first couple of months, but once spring breakers bought everything up, I wish I had bought more.

Tracking all this information set me up for the next year. I knew when they would come out for sale in stores, and I also had data to know when they would be selling.

Notion helps me manage all this data. By far, this app has helped me capitalize on so much simply by taking notes of everything I spend my time on.

If you’re not already using it, give it a try. if you’re planning on building an online business, a one-person business, then Notion will be a great tool for you to use.

I hope this article has given you a better insight into how to use Notion and if you like this material consider following me for more content like this where I go in-depth into making money online.


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