How to turn yourself into a full business team

From Solopreneur to Multitasker: How to Build a Full Business Team with Your Own Skills

Starting a business can feel exciting and overwhelming. Once you start your business, you realize that you need marketers, designers, managers, sales reps, copywriters, and maybe even developers. The thing is you’re not ready to start hiring other people yet. You just started.

So what can you do? You start learning how to market, design, manage, handle sales, copywrite, and handle business development on your own

Wait a minute. Did you want to do all these jobs? It’s a lot of work, right?

Well, in this article I’ll be going over each one of these and a few more on how you don’t actually have to do this alone. There are tools you can use in every one of these areas, making it so much easier for you to turn yourself, into a full business team


Online store

Marketing is one of the most complex ones. There are so many ways you can market your business and your products. Depending on your business, there will be plenty of tools you can still use.

If you wanted to create a store and start selling clothing, accessories, electronics, or anything else, you can either use platforms like Amazon, eBay, Mercari and about 20 other platforms. You can always create your own Shopify account, but the effort to build on an established platform is far easier to start.

If you were to build your own website to sell, the biggest challenge would be to get traffic to your website. You would have to somehow show the public your website exists. If you went with eBay though, they already have over 133 million active buyers. They also have an easy-to-use seller’s hub for you to get started right away. Here’s a look at their Q1 numbers for 2023

They already have integrated tools to handle marketing, sales, and analytics for business opportunities.


If you wanted to become a writer, you have platforms like Medium, Substack, Beehiiv, and more. Those are some of the most common platforms right now.

If you’re wondering, yes, all these I’ve mentioned are free to start, and free to use. No capital is needed to get that business started.

For writers, all you need to do is write and use Medium as a place to publish your work. When you’re ready, start your own publication on Substack or Beehiiv. They're easy to use and have great user interfaces for starters and pros.

You can check out my blog right here

Social Media

The most used social media are Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. These are your go-to if you want to start marketing your business. It’s hard to deny that just about everyone is scrolling on that feed every day. Marketing yourself on that feed should be a daily goal of yours.

Putting your business in front of people's eyes is your number one goal. If no one knows you exist, then it is damn near impossible to make money. Unlike the previously mentioned platforms which bring in traffic from outside sources, Social Media has a natural flow of traffic. You have to tap into it.

Put short video clips of what you do, or what you make. Tweet about your business, your achievements, your business obstacles, and your challenges. Let people see who you are and what you do. This will get people looking your way.

It’s up to you to draw that attention with free marketing on IG and TikTok. Once again, you don’t have to pay for anything to market yourself. Social media is a powerful tool for you to use,


Designing your products is an essential key to business growth and success. You can always start and sell your service and products with designs a teenager can draw up, but you won’t find too much success.

What you want to do is take advantage of software that can make designing easy and look professional. There are tons of software out there, but two free ones you can use are Canva Pro and Figma.

Once again, we are going with free tools for starting and growing your business. They do have paid pro versions, but if you’re not ready, you can make beautiful designs just fine on the free versions. No watermarks.

With Canva, you can design some great-looking thumbnails for your YouTube videos, banners for your Etsy store, or logos for your business.

You can also make incredible-looking product photos with mockups, templates, and other re-useable designs. There are many designs you can copy and replace the images with your own. Just type in the search bar, find a design you like, and bam, you got something you can use for your business.


If you’re selling on an e-commerce store, then managing sales is seamless. Platforms like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and many more all have their own service for handling sales. You just list your item, the buyer pays, and you receive your funds.

If you want to sell digital products like e-books, digital designs, resume templates, or more than you can use sites like Gumroad, Etsy, and Lemonsqueezy. These each have their own sales system to once again, make it easy for you to handle all sales and transactions.

If you wanted to monetize your podcast or newsletter, you can easily set that up on plenty of free services. Substack and Convertkit would be great free choices. Even against paid competitors, these are still great options.

You simply choose to offer your service as a paid subscription, and you get charged a percentage of that revenue. You don’t pay upfront. It’s a great tradeoff since they set up the whole system for you.


Copywriting was confusing to me. I always heard the word but didn’t know what it meant. I thought they were the same thing as bloggers, but they aren’t.

Copywriters are professionals who write content for advertising and promotional materials, such as advertisements, brochures, websites, and email campaigns. They are responsible for creating persuasive and effective messaging that attracts and engages the target audience.

While copywriters and bloggers may share some similarities in their writing style and content creation, they are not the same thing. Copywriters primarily focus on creating content for advertising and promotional materials, such as ads, brochures, websites, and email campaigns, with the goal of creating persuasive and effective messaging to attract and engage the target audience.

Bloggers, on the other hand, typically focus on creating content for their own personal or professional blogs, with the goal of sharing their thoughts, ideas, and experiences with their readers.

The purpose of this article (as a blogger) is to teach you how to become a one-person team. If you want to scale your business, you need to market your business by copywriting. As a copywriter, you will use your skills to promote your business by;

  1. Writing ad copy for print and digital media

  2. Creating website content and landing pages

  3. Crafting email campaigns and newsletters

  4. Writing product descriptions and packaging copy

  5. Creating social media posts and ads

  6. Writing scripts for video ads

These are just a few examples of the many ways that copywriters can use their skills to help businesses grow and succeed.

Learning this can take time, but we want to start now. So these are the tools you can use to assist you in creating your copywriting.

  • Grammarly → helps with grammar, spelling, and style

  • Hemmingway → helps with clarity, readability, and simplicity

  • Chat GPT → helps with research, ideas, and generates rough drafts

  • Notion AI → also helps with Research, ideas, and generates rough drafts

What sets Notion AI apart from Chat GPT is the ability to use it inside your Notion workspace. I haven’t mentioned this here yet, but Notion is going to be a powerhouse tool to help you manage everything.

Personally, I use both Notion AI and Chat GPT, but you can go with just Chat GPT. It will do everything you need, and you can copy it over.

If you want to scale your business and not lose your mind searching for the massive amount of information you are generating, then you will want to use Notion.


Operations is a terribly important part of the business. If you want to scale your business and not lose your mind searching for the massive amount of information you are generating, then you will want to use Notion.

Notion is the most used tool I have in my tool stack. I cannot say enough of what it can do for you, or how much time it can save you. But I will try.

As you start operating your business, you need to manage all your invoices, receipts, customer relations, inventory, finances, orders, marketing, analytics, and projects. Those cover the main topics.

With Notion, you can create any kind of management system inside of the app. It does have a learning curve, but there is a vast amount of helpful videos and tutorials you can learn from. One of the best channels you can learn from is Thomas Frank. Check out his channel for in-depth walkthroughs and examples.

When I started selling online with Amazon and eBay, I had to keep track of rapidly growing inventory and manage all my receipts, and sales. Luckily, I had plenty of experience with Notion, so I build databases inside of Notion to track everything. It helped me so much.

For example, when I sold a t-shirt or a pair of shoes, I had to locate the item among 700 other items I had stored in bins. It took me about a min to find the item. If I didn’t have my management system, I spent about an hour searching every bin and flipping every item (sometimes twice) to find it. Yes, this did happen to me several times. Keep track of your stuff.

When I need to make updates, it's easy to search for items by property tags like shoes, shirts, pants, and so on.

The other great thing was using all that data I saved to make those data-driven sells. If I wanted to track something to help me make buying decisions, I could create a property to help me tag my items. Anything I needed, I simply created.

Notion can take some time to learn, and time to build those databases, but you can also find free templates on or buy premium ones there or No need to build them on your own. Just get something that works for you that someone already made.


There are a lot of tools available for you to start your business. Many of them are free to use or free to start. The best part is that there are tools to cover every aspect of any online business. I hope this helps you out, and here's an image I created to summarize plenty of tools you can try out today.


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